Meet the Herd

Some of our herd is registered with ADGA or MDGA, others are not. Regardless of registration status, we plan our breedings carefully to try to produce the best goats possible. We specifically look for good milk production, health and longevity, and sweet personalities. We're not necessarily looking to win any shows, but we want to produce good family milkers.

We conduct regular testing for the three common goat diseases (CAE, CL, and Johnne's), to maintain a clean-tested herd. Any of these diseases can wreak havoc on your herd, and they are just about impossible to get rid of once they make it onto your property. That is why it is important to buy your animals from a clean-tested herd.

Our goats primarily eat hay from local farms. During the summer we get them out on the property to eat as much forage as they can stuff in their faces - yes, even devil's club! We supplement with spent grain (from a local brewery), beet pulp, alfalfa hay and pellets, and a goat chow grain mix for the milkers. All of our food is free from soy, and locally grown and sourced as much as possible.
If you are interested in purchasing a goat, please don't hesitate to Contact Us. Whether you are new to goats, looking to expand into a new breed, or just topping up your current herd, we would be happy to talk to you about our animals, and figure out who might be a good fit for you.
We have chosen to disbud all new goats that are born on our farm. This means that we remove their horns when they are very young. We have decided that this is the safest way to go - for ourselves, for future owners, but most importantly for our goats. If you are looking for horned goats, we may be able to accommodate, but we need advance notice.

Want to meet the herd in person? We love having visitors on the farm! You can come check out our dairy operation, ask questions about our breeding program, or just snuggle a baby goat. And if you are interested in getting some hands-on experience with homesteading, we offer a volunteer/mentorship program to get your feet wet. Contact Us to schedule a visit!